
22 de setembro de 2011

Periphery and Drug Trafficking

   In poorer regions, especially on the outskirts there are no major health centers, schools,pharmacies, transportation and sanitation. Because of these failures, people living in these regions are affected and are still suffering from violence. Abound in the daily newsstories about drug trafficking and violence that is constant, both by ordinary people asby the policemen. This lack of infrastructure in the suburbs Brazilian prevents personal growth opportunities and thousands of these people.
   About 57% of residents of this region fail to earn a minimum salary per month and a half. It is common to see children on the edge between 9 and 14 are already involved in drug trafficking. Due to lack of resources of the slum, and the low-wage families,children begin to serve as "aircraft" to help with household expenses. In a greatdocumentary: children trafficking is a clearer statement that there are many children involved in trafficking and that even those are "employees" of police. Part of theearnings of these children who traffic, are divided by corrupt policemen.
   People involved in this kind of action are attracted because they earn is often higher than the total family income. The book by journalist Caco Barcelos "Abused," says the mouse on the traffic, and daily difficulties of traffickers. The misery, the neglect of theauthorities and lack of opportunity are the main factors that encourages and maintains the practice of trafficking drugs.

Equipe 4: Bárbara Nascimento e Beatriz Cerqueira

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