
27 de setembro de 2011

Work on the periphery

   In a city marked by fear and insecurity to live in a locality known as "dangerous" and "violent" is resulting in social drama for many residents. End social suffering humiliations, such as a lack, teasing, taunts and insults by the fact that they live in the periphery. Even when we are discriminated against? Ask the residents, the suburbs when spoken by people who have never had to always give an image: Poverty, violence, poverty and insecurity. But not always. Being located in a region far from the city center makes the rulers are not very interested in the subject, end up forgetting the people who live there, mostly living with very little, forget the leisure, health and security, as a place not much visited by tourists. But the periphery is where we can find joy and love overcoming, coming from some people, it is clear that violence exists, it is everywhere, but for being a local "forgotten" by government agencies, he ends up there . It is important to know that is a rather large cluster of culture.

Alunos: Ana Beatriz, and Felipe E. 

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